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The Struggle for Democracy in Africa: Elections, Coups and Popular Opinion


In June 2022, the Program on African Social Research convened a workshop in Accra, Ghana in collaboration with Afrobarometer. The workshop examined trends in African democracy using both single case studies as well as cross-country analyses of regional trends. Over twenty young scholars from sixteen different African countries participated in the workshop, which included a special training session organized by our Afrobarometer partners. The essays from the workshop are presented in this edition of African Social Research.

Chapter 3: 

Chapter 8: 

Coalition Building and Electoral Alternation in Malawi


Hangala Siachiwena, University of Cape Town

Chapter 12:

Chapter 18:

Participatory Budget and Citizen Participation in Morocco


Abderrahman El-Karmaoui, Mohammed V University in Rabat

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